Selasa, 04 Oktober 2022

революция в маркетинговой стратегии


Dapatkan bayaran untuk menyukai postingan, berkomentar, дан mengikuti orang lain di media sosial, ide inovatif pertama дари jaringan sosharu ян membuat media sosial sepadan dengan waktu Anda. Ками juga menyediakan banyak layanan untuk pemasaran media sosial Anda dengan harga terendah ди seluruh pasar global. Кататан: Хадия Анда untuk menyukai, berkomentar, dan mengikuti akan didasarkan pada keanggotaan Anda #sosharunetworks-roadmap-smmpanel-socialbooster-cheap
SNS TOKEN Token SNS untuk mitra booster media sosial Anda Proyek SNS adalah proyek untuk membantu orang yang memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk mendapatkan keuntungan дари waktu ke waktu (стратеги keuangan dca). Kami membangun платформа блокчейна и технологии web3 untuk membantu perusahaan rintisan / orang meningkatkan keterlibatan sosial mereka dengan harga bersahabat. ками juga berbagi semua keuntungan дари proyek dengan инвестор дан anggota ян menjadi bagian дари komunitas ками.

Социальная панель — изменить

Первая площадка в криптомире, готовая удовлетворить ваши потребности в маркетинге в социальных сетях. сочетая мощь блокчейна и web3, готового повысить вашу вовлеченность в социальные сети. Вы можете делать много вещей с нашей социальной панелью: купить реального подписчика (наш участник будет kyc, так что это 100% гарантия, что это не бот), оставлять лайки, комментировать, ретвитить, подписываться, размещать свою аму, нанимать менеджера социальных сетей, создавать баннеры и реклама для ваших стартапов и многое другое. все доходы от проектов будут разделены поровну между инвестором SNS и членом сообщества. прочтите технический документ для получения более подробной информации.


Мы первые, кто сочетает блокчейн и маркетинг в социальных сетях, и у нас есть лучшее предложение на рынке по цене и качеству, и его поддерживают тысячи реальных людей, готовых помочь в вашей маркетинговой стратегии документы/

Стабильный рост

Токен Sns отправится на Луну, потому что нас поддерживает реальный бизнес, поэтому он будет придавать реальную ценность нашему токену, и мы также добавили много полезности токену, чтобы sns не был бесполезным токеном https://sosharunetworks.gitbook. ио/документы

мы строим реальный бизнес в форме кофейни, поэтому вы можете использовать токен sns в нашем магазине, мы сначала ориентируемся на азиатский рынок, а затем продолжим расширяться в Европе и на других континентах.
Наш токен уже прошел аудит и имеет сертификат KYC, а также значок safu от pinksale, это доказывает наши мотивы, чтобы создать реальный проект и принести пользу всему сообществу и нашему инвестору.
Не говори больше фальшивых обещаний apy
Инвестирование в токен sns обеспечит нашим инвесторам стабильный заработок сверхурочно, мы обещаем дать только то, что можем себе позволить. зарабатывайте от 200 до 500% годовых в зависимости от вашего инвестиционного выбора. вы можете быть держателем, коллекционером NFT или нашим эксклюзивным участником.
Мы верим, что единство и хорошая командная работа могут принести богатство и счастье, мы заботимся о тех, кто чувствует себя маленьким в своем бизнесе, кто чувствует себя обделенным в сообществе, кто новичок в криптопространстве и хочет узнать об этом, и мы хотим, чтобы вы принимайте участие и присоединяйтесь к нам как к семье, и вместе мы можем учиться и вместе добиваться успеха.
Создавайте свои сети вместе с нами и присоединяйтесь к революции в сфере маркетинга в социальных сетях. свяжитесь с нами/

пенулис : vicagomez

телеграмма: @vicagomez

ССЫЛКА НА ПРОФИЛЬ BTT:;u=3413028;sa=summary

Selasa, 20 September 2022


Что такое INTDESTCOIN (INTD) INTDESTCOIN — это экосистема, которая проверяет ценность чего угодно и где угодно. Он позволяет проверять любой цифровой контент без ограничений по географическому местоположению. INTD : Создать интегрированную финансовую экосистему для услуг INTDEST , которая включает , помимо прочего , инструменты коротких продаж и хеджирования , оптимизированный торговый алгоритм от глобальных инвесторов и обмен с использованием самых популярных платежных инструментов .

В чем причина INTD? Создание платформы для синхронизации услуг INTDEST ▪ Мост передачи данных и информации между пользователями, услуги INTDEST ▪ Предоставление оплаты за услуги INTDEST Создание равных долей для пользователей в услугах INTDEST Использование учетных данных для управления для определения того, как распределяются сетевые ресурсы ■ Хранение и получение прибыли от staking INTD ▪ Получайте комиссию при переводе между сетью XCHAIN ​​в дополнение к STAKE
INTD BANK Награды за транзакцию , анализ и преимущества : INTD Bank -- это специализированная цифровая банковская услуга , провайдер . она стремится создать общедоступную банковскую платформу, открытую торговую площадку, позволяющую малым предприятиям и разработчикам разрабатывать новые финансовые решения. Банк INTD будет предлагать собственный набор API и SDKS, а также точки прямой интеграции со сторонними приложениями и сервисами.

Мост Metaverse и монета INTD INTD объединяет полную платформу. Вы можете покупать, хранить и продавать товары на интегрированной платформе для торговли сырьевыми товарами. В процессе использования этой платформы вы обмениваете невзаимозаменяемые токены на товары, используя их в качестве депозита для инвентаря. Он использует смарт-контракты, чтобы убедиться, что транзакция между вами и онлайн-трейдером безопасна и надежна. Платформа позволяет торговать друг с другом только проверенным продавцам и покупателям, что предотвращает нарушение торговой экосистемы мошенниками и недобросовестными трейдерами.
Кто является учредителями INTD? INTD лабораторией информатики C.A.K. INTDEST (Международная технологическая компания назначения) была создана. О C.A.K INTDEST вы можете обратиться на портал компании и получить необходимую информацию. Как защищена сеть монет INTD? INTD построен поверх блокчейна Ethereum (ETH) в соответствии со стандартом совместимости ERC 20, что означает, что его сеть защищена функцией Ethash.

Интервал . ОБМЕН Управляйте своим портфелем легко Превратитесь в профессионального трейдера с помощью нашей универсальной платформы услуг с мощными функциями, высокой скоростью исполнения и низкими комиссиями. Поддержка многоплатформенных приложений Покупайте и обменивайте все свои любимые токены в приложении INTD без особых усилий, в любое время и в любом месте.

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Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022


$LUCKY is a BSC token with utilities and unique
community incentives – including our daily “777
lottery”. With the current market, people are still
craving a true meme coin.
On launch, we will have a functional staking
platform that offers BUSD rewards. We plan on
introducing other dApps, specifically community
betting pools where we can maximize our
degeneracy together
This whitepaper will contain a condensed summary
of our project and what is to follow. Our $LUCKY team consists of 10+ members, some that
contributed to projects with 8-9 figure marketcap across
multiple chains. Most experience is from ETH and BSC. LUCKY will have utilities available directly from launch,
including Lucky Bank — a staking platform that rewards
BUSD and $LUCKY. Read our whitepaper for more info Our focus is to build, so our community is one of our
main priorities. We will hold EZ Baccarat competitions
+ unique lottery every 777 minutes.
A: We have plenty of experience. We recently posted from the
official twitter account of our previous 58 million market cap
project (to confirm our connection). WHAT KIND OF MARKETING CONNECTIONS DO YOU HAVE?
A: Please refer to our roadmap section. Experienced teams are
usually very well connected among the crypto space. More
information will be provided in our AMA’s. Once commenced, after 777 minutes we pay out a specified
amount of our lottery wallet to 2 lucky winners. This wallet is
sustained through taxes and will strictly be used for the lottery. In
order to be eligible to win you must hold your $LUCKY tokens until
the next lottery.
Standard marketing tax to help ensure project
longevity, and increasing brand awareness across
multiple social media platforms. A portion of each transaction is delegated to the Lucky Bank,
which rewards BUSD for staking $LUCKY for a locked period.
More info on Lucky Bank can be found on the next page.
To help introduce new features and maintain a bug-free
platform, we must ensure our developer is paid. Our
project is long-term, and requires maintenance.

A: This buy tax value will remain locked and will not exceed 7%. We
will look at lowering this even further once certain milestones are
reached, depending on community sentiment.
A: Projects require maintenance, especially those planning to launch
functional dApps. A 1% fee is low enough that it will not impact the
project, but also keep our developer happy. More utilities will also
be introduced as time passes.
A: There are 3 options to lock up your $LUCKY coins, each will
represent a different APY. Once you lock your coins, you will start to
receive BUSD rewards that are sustained from the taxes.
Funds aren’t locked forever – you can withdraw your $LUCKY after
the locked time period is complete.
Stables and Alt farms will be released in the near future, where you
will also receive additional $LUCKY coins from



Telegram : @CHONTOLMAN

Rabu, 06 Juli 2022


BOSCH is a decentralized mobile application. Go to and choose from the mobile apps for Android or iOS. You can also go directly to Google Play or the App Store. Then find "Boxch" and install

Naxar remains one of the chips worth watching on the Solana blockchain; Not only does the token have a limited supply, which is important for improving its value, it is also deflationary, meaning the total supply of naxar is expected to decrease over time, leading to an increase in price. . .

If you have invested in Naxar before, you probably know that the token is expected to have its own chain at some point in the future. Community and developer response will have an impact on the development of this upgrade.

However, most of the Naxar utility is connected to the Boxch application, which is developed by the same team that created the Naxar token. The Boxch application is a decentralized application that can perform DeFi functions. It allows users to exchange and create chips, participate in ICOs on Launchpad, and will also have peer-to-peer (P2P) capabilities in the future. Holding requirements for participation in ICO and usage as in-app transaction fees are two of the characteristics of Naxar.

The developers recently announced that the original Boxch app icon will be renamed from Naxar to Boxch, the name of the app theme. Broadly speaking, Naxar will now be called Boxch.

The developers are working hard to ensure that the token is updated and that the community gets value for their investment and support. It's as simple as a "name change" for the community/owner and nothing complicated. This means that all of Naxar's other goals remain intact; the only difference is that the Naxar token will now be called the Boxch token, which is also the original symbol of the Boxch application.

This kind of growth can be expected from crypto projects, especially those that are still in development. The focus is on finding creative ways to improve the project for the community.

Since the changes can be confusing for new investors and crypto beginners, a list of frequently asked questions has been compiled, hoping to make it easy for you to read and understand. more on the progress of Project Naxar.


What will happen to my Naxar token?

The snapshot has been taken and all you have to do is transfer your Naxar token to the address provided in the Google form from the Naxar team. The team will confirm and send an equivalent Boxch token. Tokenomics is based on the same methodology that was originally established for Naxar.

My Naxar chips are on CEX, what does that mean for me?

It's important to transfer your tokens to the Boxch app or to a wallet that accepts Solana tokens, such as Sollet or Phantom wallets. Then you can send it to the address in the Google forms from the Naxar team.

What is the current Naxar swap rate at Boxch?

The conversion from Naxar to Boxch will take place in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, if you own 100 Naxar, when the name conversion is complete, you will receive 100 Boxch.

I am happy to increase my token, can I leave it as it is?

All chips should be collected from farms and pools to rename. After a successful name change, the team is happy to have the community back on their chip farm.

Should I know anything else?

The team also added a network of Bsc chips. This, together with the migration to a new network and its community, offers more flexibility and allows more people to participate. This will also save the community from facing any possible downtime due to a certain thread, as it will be able to switch between them on the go.

Is the string symbol Bsc different from the string symbol Sol?

Not; the chip supply remains the same. On the Bsc and Sol chains, the chips have the same value. Just create a token bridge so it can be done. The maximum combined chip supply on the Bsc and Sol chains will never exceed the chip supply.

What is the smart contract address for the Bsc chain?

Is it true that another Naxar token will be issued?

Yes, the new Naxar token will be launched next time. When the team completes the Naxar chain, this will happen. The Naxar chain will be a mobile-friendly blockchain that allows lightning-fast transactions. When the new Naxar is launched, it will be sent to the Boxch owners.

I hope you can get the answer you are looking for. The team still has a roadmap to follow, with only a few changes to help the project reach its full potential. You can contact the support team at any time and you will always receive it!


Promotion plan for the year
Listing of Naxar on a centralised exchange (Mexc)

Add Boxch launchpad to Boxch
Add Swap, Earn to Boxch
Renamed $NAXAR token to $BOXCH token
Conducting the first IDO in the Boxch launchpad

Add P2P

Add support for a second network
Summarizing and planning

Launch Wolf-DEX
Publication of the Boxch light wallet on Google play
Listing Naxar on Coingecko, Coinmarketcap

Publication of a worldwide Boxch update on Google Play and Appstore
Listing of Naxar on a centralised exchange
Deactivate Wolf-DEX. Boxch's flagship product

Launchpad is built on the Solana blockchain and is the only platform to launch new projects, especially for mobile devices.


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Selasa, 21 Juni 2022

DisCas DAO

Cryptocurrency is a new form of the new financial revolution where it introduces us a new and unique transparent distributed system, Blockchain technology with cryptographic encryption based on a sophisticated distributed database system, and distributed on public networks,. Decentralized database will become a state-of-the-art financial infrastructure, In addition, various sectors have been positively affected by the rise of cryptocurrencies, one of the most unique innovations emerging in the market is blockchain technology in various sectors such as DeFi which allows anyone to participate in the sales process a more transparent and fair public. This is a traditional startup market.
DisCas DAO is a new blockchain-based digital wealth management where their ecosystem introduces us to a new investment solution that uses digital tools to offer every investor a variety of digital savings and investment products based on the blockchain protocol. It introduces a new decentralized management protocol with easy-to-use interface tools by combining traditional financial management with blockchain, their protocol will identify the best performing assets and minimize risk for every investor. DisCas DAO introduces us a new solution to go through the whole process of simple digital setup for their portfolio where everyone can access it from their own home via the DisCas Platform, their network enables a simplified process that only takes a few minutes and requires a place that allows a few questions to help every user need, expectation, and risk tolerance in one ecosystem. acts as the new one dictating a solution which will then be recommended in a place that is easily accessible to everyone.

DisCas DAO team is highly experienced in business investment & Real Estate investment sector where they have been in this market for a long time running wealth enhancement for their investors by identifying the best and profitable business investments and real estate options. Their team through the blockchain network will create a new digital wealth management platform based on a decentralized ecosystem with a new financial scheme. DisCas DAO will also develop automated risk management and cash flow algorithms to ensure every process will be much cheaper and safer, They will sort every market option from venture capital, real estate, crypto, etf, liquidity pools and more than that provide every best option investors to get more profit with lower risk and they can access it more easily through DisCas DAO platform. You can read more details about their litepaper here;

Market Growth

As we know today crypto is undeniably one of the most unique innovations in the blockchain market which has come under the spotlight in recent years is DeFi where it introduces a new banking system which is more transparent and secure, enabling complex traditional banking financial processes to be implemented. with Blockchain Technology In addition, DeFi Market itself is already more than $30 Billion and on the other hand the NFT Market is also developing and still fresh to explore its potential, DisCas DAO will combine DeFi & NFT in one ecosystem that allows a more transparent and multi-functional banking ecosystem with APY High rewards and a fair distribution system, thus creating a new financial system that is more efficient and transparent.

Market Growth

As we know today crypto is undeniably one of the most unique innovations in the blockchain market which has come under the spotlight in recent years is DeFi where it introduces a new banking system which is more transparent and secure, enabling complex traditional banking financial processes to be implemented. with Blockchain Technology In addition, DeFi Market itself is already more than $30 Billion and on the other hand the NFT Market is also developing and still fresh to explore its potential, DisCas DAO will combine DeFi & NFT in one ecosystem that allows a more transparent and multi-functional banking ecosystem with APY High rewards and a fair distribution system, thus creating a new financial system that is more efficient and transparent.

$DISC Tokenomy

To fund project development, to date DisCas DAO has remained steadfast in its goal of creating and supporting a blockchain ecosystem for everyone.

Meanwhile, the allocation of funds is detailed as follows:

4,000,000 (4%) for Selling Seeds

4,000,000 (8%) for Personal Sales

7,000,000 (7%) for Presale

7,000,000 (7%) for General Sale

7,000,000 (7%) for Liquidity Pool

6,000,000 (6%) for Marketing

15,000,000 (15%) for Bet

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Blockchain through a new form of digital asset called cryptocurrency, is a new innovative invention in the global market where it has a larger market size and stable development in recent years despite the recent crisis and pandemic. From year to year the market development continues to grow and in the future where blockchain will be the main choice used in various Mainstream sectors.

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Kamis, 02 Juni 2022


Metaverse is the resolution of the next world. Metaverse trends offer great potential to revolutionize our lifestyle and communication, and we've all seen how fast the metaverse is.
Even though the metaverse is still conceptual or in the development phase , you could say the game is just getting started and we do not know if the metaverse will continue to develop . in metaverse you can invest in it directly and make money .
Metaverse can be defined as the successor to the internet as it exists today , similar to how mobile networks are and continue to be extended to the internet .

For those of you who are entrepreneurial, I advise you to invest in Monopolf.

Monopolf is the first investment metaverse game, where you can realize your dreams and create a prosperous and prosperous business, in Monopolf you will be able to feel the feeling of rising from the bottom and creating your own work.
 You can start a business and improve your thinking power, here you can do business in the world of monopoly in the process you will have fun.
basically we already know that there are many kinds of business more than 50 or 60 businesses.
but each has a different way.

Monopolf is a unique and easy-to-understand source of business or business,
monopoly business is a passive source of income which will generate native MNG tokens daily. The number of businesses you have will depend on your land and you have to take into account which large businesses will occupy more slots.
If you are interested in Monopolf, please visit the link below:

Monopoloff is a space where you can interact with virtual objects in real life in real time. Monopoloff can be called a digital parallel to business investment ventures easily, very relevant to our finances.
Actually, for now, investing in the Metaverse is still relatively early, although many investors have started it in various ways.
CONTRACT: 0x1b3d71803D2c24a2e862C2191Ee82a104f9b84Ce
Monopoloff is the first investment metaverse game where you can make your dreams of entrepreneurship come true and create a prosperous business. All this while having fun and earning money.
In Monopoloff you will be able to feel that feeling of rising from the bottom and creating your own empire.
Start as an entrepreneur and work your way up to owning the most lucrative businesses in the Monopoloff world. In the process, you will have a lot of fun.
Over 50 different NFT TYPE businesses, each with unique art and different quirks. Monopoloff businesses are sources of passive income that will generate MNG native token daily.
The number of businesses you can have will depend on your land, and you will have to take into account which major businesses will occupy more slots (a fish market is not the same as a soccer stadium).

Businesses can be upgraded to higher value businesses.

They will be affected by events that can positively affect revenues, or reduce them when adverse.

BTT :;u=3449666;sa=summary

Senin, 23 Mei 2022

BridgeSwap X Astronaut Launchpad association.

eager to declare the second open presale of $BRIS tokens on
. This article frames all that you want to be aware of our second open presale on Astronaut Launchpad.

What is Astronaut Launchpad ?
Is mixture auto yield-decentralized hatchery and platform for IDO pools based on BSC. Space traveler to the moon

About Bridgeswap Second Public pre-deal Round facilitated by our accomplice Astronaut Launchpad !
The presale begins on tenth May at 3:00 PM UTC .
The cost of BRIS token for the presale is 0.4 BUSD per token .
No base sum buy BRIS and the most extreme will rely upon you NAUT levels.
You can buy BRIS tokens with BUSD just during the presale round.
The Total raise reserve during the current Second Public pre-deal round is 108,000 BUSD in particular.
The underlying business sector cap for BRIS tokens is 283K
The vesting plan for BRIS Public pre-deal Round is 40% opened at TGE, trailed by 10% opened month to month for a considerable length of time.

The most effective method to Participate in the Presale ?
You can fit the bill for the BRIS Token presale through three fundamental ways.

First class: Whitelisting — You should be whitelisted to meet all requirements for the presale.
Second Category: NAUT Holding — The subsequent classification is for individuals who didn’t get a whitelist spot. In the event that you are not whitelisted, you should hold enough NAUT to meet all requirements for one of 4 levels. Kindly Note: You just have to hold NAUT in your wallet. Try not to Stake.
Third class: Astrorocket — The third classification possibly occurs if hardcap doesn’t fill during the subsequent class. Remaining $BRIS will be placed on open deal. (FCFS, no NAUT required, anybody can take an interest).
NAUT Tiers !
The greatest BUSD commitment you can make for $BRIS presale round relies upon how much NAUT you have in your wallet. The following is the detail of the NAUT levels.

MOON — 400 NAUT (750 BUSD max. commitment).
MARS — 1000 NAUT (1500 BUSD max. commitment).
STAR — 2500 NAUT (3000 BUSD max. commitment).
Cosmic system — 6000 NAUT (6000 BUSD max. commitment).
The Astronaut platform Presale Process !
The following is the bit by bit interaction to follow for the presale: On May 10, 10min before 3PM UTC .

Go to:
Interface your BSC wallet.
Select $BRIS pool.
After this, you will see a commencement to 3PM UTC in the event that you associate effectively.
Sit tight for your Presale Rounds to begin and invigorate the page.
PRESALE ROUNDS: Below are the subtleties of the different rounds;-
First Round: WHITELIST [3:00PM-3:30PM], Only whitelisted wallets can contribute. (Dependable distribution).
Second Round: ASTROSHOT [3:30PM-4:00PM], Only NAUT level holders can contribute(FCFS).
Third Round: ASTROROCKET [4:00 PM+], The third round will possibly occur if the hardcap doesn’t fill at the subsequent round. For this situation, the excess $BRIS will be placed on open deal on a First Come First Serve (FCFS) premise. (No NAUT will be required and anybody can take an interest).
6. Press “Max” or enter how much BUSD you need to contribute

7. Click “Support BUSD” and affirm in your wallet.

8. A subsequent exchange will spring up consequently following a couple of moments. Affirm in your wallet to present your commitment.


$BRIS tokens will be disseminated on Wednesday May eleventh 2022. You don’t need to guarantee.
$BRIS will be recorded on PancakeSwap V2 and BridgeSwap DEX on Wednesday May 11 2022.
Don’t Miss the ongoing Whitelist Contest, join and have chance to have spot to buy BRIS tokens at presale price first !

Launchpad Social Channels:
🕊 Twitter:
📢 Telegram:
🌐 Website:

Our Social Channel to follow for more updates:

Dapp Website:
Telegram Group:
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LINK BTT :;u=3449666;sa=summary

революция в маркетинговой стратегии

  Dapatkan bayaran untuk menyukai postingan, berkomentar, дан mengikuti orang lain di media sosial, ide inovatif pertama дари jaringan sosha...