Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2021

Koinomo — Il primo fondo al mondo per la gestione delle risorse digitali


L'industria delle criptovalute è ancora nelle sue fasi iniziali, quindi attualmente offre grandi opportunità di investimento prima che si verifichi l'adozione tradizionale, aumentando la probabilità di rendimenti elevati in un secondo momento. Uno dei modi principali per aumentare il valore delle tue partecipazioni in Bitcoin è attraverso il trading, che è qualcosa che richiede tempo, pazienza e molta esperienza. Il trading non è un compito facile, specialmente nelle criptovalute. Bisogna raccogliere tonnellate di piccole informazioni e analizzarle per avere successo. Il trading richiede la ricerca, il roaming, la revisione, il controllo incrociato e così via. Il fondo Koinomo è stato sviluppato per risolvere questo problema.

Cos'è il Fondo Koinomo?

Koinomo è una piattaforma per il futuro della gestione dei fondi che utilizza contratti intelligenti basati sulla tecnologia blockchain. Koinomo mira ad avere il Fondo più efficace ed efficiente in modo che gli utenti abbiano la migliore esperienza in un unico posto. Koinomo è un fondo di gestione e investimenti decentralizzato basato su Binance Smart Chain.

Missione del Fondo Koinomo

Koinomo si concentra sulla rivoluzione del modo in cui guadagniamo reddito passivo in Crypto con la creazione del fondo blockchain tecnologicamente più avanzato al mondo. La rete e l'esperienza di Koinomo offrono un servizio senza pari che rende te e le tue finanze davanti alla folla nel settore finanziario e quindi nel mondo.

Investi semplicemente le tue partecipazioni in Bitcoin nel fondo Koinomo e investiranno e scambieranno professionalmente il tuo capitale tra varie attività. Il fondo è costantemente gestito e nuove monete vengono continuamente ricercate in modo da fornire agli investitori il miglior ritorno possibile sul loro capitale.

Caratteristiche del Fondo Koinomo

Portafoglio Bitcoin decentralizzato: per creare un account con Koinomo, devi solo creare il tuo portafoglio bitcoin utilizzando una chiave seme casuale a 12 chiavi che collega il tuo account al tuo computer ed è supportato da una password di 8-21 chiavi.

Protezione completa: Koinomo ha adottato diverse misure per garantire un ecosistema sicuro per i fondi degli investitori utilizzando un portafoglio di conservazione a freddo per conservare le risorse digitali degli investitori in custodia.

Rendimento mensile del FONDO di KOINOMO: Alla fine di ogni mese, Koinomo è obbligato a pubblicare l'andamento dell'indice del fondo che mostra le attività giornaliere di negoziazione e profitti/perdite per ogni giorno di negoziazione.

Prelievo con un clic: gli investitori non sono vincolati a nessun intervallo di tempo per il loro investimento, il che significa che possono prelevare in qualsiasi momento della giornata da Koinomo FUND al proprio portafoglio Koinomo.

Zero commissioni di prelievo/Nessuna commissione nascosta: Koinomo non addebita alcuna commissione di prelievo a parte la ripartizione degli utili 8:2 (investitori BTC) e la ripartizione degli utili del rapporto 9:1 (investitori $ KMO).

Supporto online 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7: Koinomo fornirà una chat live 24 ore su 24 sul sito Web e sulla comunità di Telegram per gli investitori in caso di assistenza necessaria per quanto riguarda i loro investimenti con Koinomo.

Come funziona Koinomo?

Per diventare un investitore nel Fondo KOINOMO, devi prima visitare Una volta lì, vai al pulsante di registrazione noto anche come "Inizia a investire".

Una volta depositati i fondi nel portafoglio Koinomo. Koinomo gestisce i fondi degli investitori attraverso una serie di posizioni, in strategie sia lunghe che corte.

Il 54,5% di un portafoglio è allocato alla strategia a breve termine tramite il trading desk, dove Koinomo effettuerà scambi regolari in un numero di abbinamenti da BTC a fiat e da BTC a cripto.

L'altro 45,5% detiene riserve di BTC, un rifugio sicuro nei portafogli freddi protetti e protetti.

KOINOMO calcola tutti i profitti in USDT, il che significa che dopo che il tuo Bitcoin è stato investito, il nostro obiettivo sarà aumentare il valore FIAT dei tuoi bitcoin anche se il mercato è ribassista.

Se depositi 1 BTC al prezzo attuale di $ 38.000, il mandato di Koinomo sarebbe quello di aumentare l'importo di FIAT e Bitcoin anche su un mercato o ciclo ribassista tramite il trading e gli investimenti. Se il prezzo del bitcoin scende a $ 32.000, il nostro fondo guadagna in media il 15% alla fine del mese, il che ti dà un profitto di $ 5.700 più $ 38.000 pari a $ 43.700.

Processo di distribuzione dei profitti - Tutti i profitti saranno divisi in un rapporto di 2:8 in cui KOINOMO prende il 20% e l'investitore prende l'80%. Il saldo del tuo account viene ricalcolato e aggiornato ogni 24 ore.

Gli investimenti effettuati nel token nativo di Koinomo, ad esempio KMO, saranno più condivisibili con gli utili, ovvero 9:1. Gli investitori condividono il 90% del profitto e il 10% di Koinomo.

Quando si verificano perdite, il valore delle perdite sarà distribuito tra gli investitori proporzionalmente ai rispettivi gradi di investimento nel fondo. Tali perdite verranno quindi aggiornate nel conto allo stesso modo del profitto.

Che cos'è il token Koinomo (KMO)?

KOINOMO Token o token “KMO” è un asset free-floating basato su Binance Smart Chain (BSC), con le proprie politiche monetarie. KMO agisce come valuta nativa dell'ecosistema Koinhomo.

Il più grande vantaggio del token KMO è che se gli investitori scelgono di investire nel fondo Koinomo attraverso il token KMO, hanno una quota maggiore nella partecipazione agli utili che è 9: 1, il che significa che il 90% del profitto sarà dato agli investitori se scegli di investire tramite token KMO. Ciò contribuirà a far crescere l'ecosistema Koinomo.


Nome token: Koinomo

Token Ticker: KMO

Rete: Binance Smart Chain

Total Supply: 10.000.000 KMO


Tabella di marcia




Affrettati ad ACQUISTARE $ KMO Token a $ 0,15

Rigorosamente per primo arrivato, primo servito (FCFS)


Il token KOINOMO offre una soluzione alle discutibili politiche economiche attuate nell'ambito dell'attuale sistema monetario globale. Inoltre, il token fornisce un percorso per ricostruire un'equa distribuzione del flusso di cassa all'interno dell'economia.

Leggi di più qui

Sito web:



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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2021

Explicação do projeto E-motive


O mercado automobilístico do futuro não será o mesmo de agora. Será
interconectados para fornecer serviços sob demanda e personalizados. Isso incluirá
veículos autônomos, conectados e compartilhados, para os quais a tecnologia blockchain
desempenham um papel significativo. É a base para a próxima transição industrial.
A tecnologia Blockchain é a base para bitcoin e outras criptomoedas.
No entanto, é muito mais do que isso. Blockchain tem vários aplicativos no
negócio automobilístico. Esses aplicativos estão atualmente alterando o potencial de alteração
bens, serviços e processos. É preciso uma nova abordagem para gerenciamento de dados e
execução da transação. O financiamento de veículos é um exemplo de precisão e
a confiabilidade é crítica.
Algumas informações surgiram de nossas interações com executivos de
em toda a indústria. Por exemplo, muitas empresas desejam aprender e usar
blockchain, mas não tenho certeza por onde começar. Nossa pesquisa tenta contribuir para isso
conhecimento. As empresas podem então construir a estratégia mais adequada.
Cadeia de suprimentos conectada, compartilhamento de carona e serviços de mobilidade sob demanda são possíveis
usando tecnologia blockchain. Estas são as opções mais atraentes com os melhores
valor potencial. No entanto, as variáveis externas os impactam e também são consideradas como o
alternativas mais arriscadas.
Muitos fatores determinarão o raciocínio e o valor de investir em blockchain. o
primeiro são os objetivos estratégicos gerais da empresa, e o segundo é sua capacidade e
capacidades. No entanto, quem não considera o impacto corre o risco de ficar para trás. Sobre
por outro lado, aqueles que são mais proativos irão capitalizar as oportunidades para
gerar valor para sua empresa desde o início.
Esperamos ganhos tremendos como resultado do potencial do blockchain. Também estamos trabalhando
em soluções de blockchain para ajudar o setor automotivo com seus obstáculos.


Blockchain é um livro razão digital, descentralizado e distribuído. Ele fornece uma maneira de
quais informações podem ser compartilhadas e registradas. Uma comunidade também pode manter este
em formação. Blockchain é um tipo de tecnologia de razão distribuída em que
as transações são registradas com uma assinatura criptográfica imutável conhecida como
Há um interesse significativo em blockchain no nível C-suite. Nos últimos três anos,
O investimento global ultrapassou US $ 1,7 bilhão. A empresa de pesquisa de mercado Gartner tem
venha para uma análise. Estima-se que o valor agregado corporativo da blockchain seria
atingir US $ 176 bilhões em 2025.
Blockchain ganhou popularidade como a tecnologia subjacente às criptomoedas
como Bitcoin e Ethereum. O setor de serviços financeiros foi um dos primeiros a adotar
devido ao seu interesse no potencial das criptomoedas para alterar a moeda atual
padrões e a segurança, manutenção de registros e recursos de negociação do blockchain
tecnologia. Como consequência, os serviços financeiros respondem por uma parte significativa da
apresentar investimento e atividade em blockchain. Declaração de missão
Os consumidores enfrentam muitos problemas para encontrar e comprar veículos. Além disso, existe
pouca clareza nos preços e termos, tornando-se um processo demorado que o torna
difícil comprar e vender um veículo facilmente.
Usando a Internet e a tecnologia para permitir que os consumidores comprem, vendam e troquem veículos,
E-Motive promete oferecer o carro mais centralizado no consumidor e descentralizado
mercados. Essa transformação terá um grande impacto no setor automotivo.
“E-Motive foi desenvolvido em resposta aos incômodos no processo de compra de veículos,”
diz a equipe E-Motive.
Uma revolução à espera!
É necessário um mercado automotivo descentralizado que qualquer consumidor possa usar,
eliminando os aborrecimentos de compra, venda e troca de veículos usando nosso
tecnologia. Antes de comprar um veículo, o público em geral terá acesso a todas as
ferramentas que um revendedor utiliza para avaliá-lo.
Com essas ferramentas, os consumidores entenderão o retorno máximo previsto em seus
veículo e quanto custou para recondicionar o veículo para obter o máximo valor dele.
A vantagem competitiva permitirá que qualquer consumidor se torne o mais bem informado
escolha entre comprar, vender ou trocar de veículo.
A primeira de seu tipo, a plataforma da E-Motive oferecerá alívio e trará imediatamente qualquer
veículo do consumidor à procura. Além disso, com a inclusão da Bolsa do Dólar
procedimento, eles agora podem trocar rapidamente suas moedas e veículos com qualquer pessoa em
ao toque de um botão, gerando valor, confiança e excelente atendimento ao cliente.
Importância da troca de dólares
Dollar Exchange é um ecossistema de múltiplos componentes destinado a atender aos requisitos
do setor de criptomoedas automotivo. Embora existam soluções de troca de criptografia
disponíveis em muitas plataformas, nem sempre são bem executados. São frequentemente
não confiável, não transparente, desafiador de usar e, o mais importante, desafiador para
Squeaky toy. Além disso, os usuários de trocas descentralizadas devem se lembrar de sua criptografia
chaves e senhas da carteira. Caso contrário, seus fundos serão perdidos permanentemente e
não pode ser recuperado.
A visão da Dollar Exchange sempre forneceu uma plataforma na qual os consumidores podem confiar
inteiramente para compras automotivas baseadas em blockchain. Aquele que se destina a funcionar em
em conjunto com a nossa plataforma E-Motive e tem potencial para se tornar o primeiro amplamente
reconhecido e utilizado intercâmbio automotivo baseado em blockchain.
Melhoramos a experiência do usuário, reduzimos a duplicação, as taxas e o tempo de transferência de fundos em
combinando componentes de plataforma de troca de criptografia em uma única plataforma projetada
especialmente para o setor automobilístico.
E-Motive visa estabelecer um ambiente justo e perfeito para compradores, vendedores,
investidores e outros investidores credenciados para administrar e participar do setor automotivo
futuro da indústria. Para esse fim, a Dollar Exchange emprega um novo sistema baseado em blockchain
tecnologias para garantir a justiça e a transparência da carteira de pedidos.
O objetivo da empresa é fornecer uma solução de 360 graus e um balcão único para
transações automotivas baseadas em blockchain. Nossa plataforma será a solução completa
para qualquer pessoa que compre, negocie e invista no futuro setor automotivo,
desenvolver uma plataforma de troca de criptografia para a indústria automotiva e um mercado
usando nosso token de utilitário (EMOT).
👇LINK DO SITE 👇 http://hhttps//

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Minggu, 15 Agustus 2021


#bullperks #bsc #crypto

Emerging blockchain start-ups disrupted the investment space in 2017 when they adopted the token approach to raising funds. Instead of these start-ups raising funds through the traditional model from institutional investors, they issued tokens and released white papers to offer investors security in their projects.

However, the security offered was little, and it doesn’t guarantee that the start-up will go through with the project. Today, we have more blockchain companies seeking to build the future, and access to capital remains one of the major stumbling blocks. Bridging the existing gap requires deliberateness and sustainable investment approaches.

While there are numerous blockchain projects seeking funding, numerous investors are seeking early-stage projects to invest in. Bull Perks creates a fairground for bridging the existing gaps in this market. We connect the start-ups to a comprehensive nature of support that helps them develop their minimum viable products and navigate the industry. Our mission remains to make capital more accessible to viable blockchain start-ups.

What is BullPerks?

Bull Perks is a decentralized community VC coupled with multichain capabilities. The platform will give users access to exclusive projects at ground floor prices not available to the average trader. At Bull Perks, we pride ourselves on inclusivity by offering multiple investment tier options to our holders.
Why Invest With Bull Perks?
What sets us apart is the fairness with which we operate. There is equal access to investment opportunities. Unlike some other VCs that have morphed into private clubs, we offer opportunities to everyone with an interest in blockchain projects, not just VC firms and angel investors. This presents a chance for any blockchain enthusiast to contribute towards funding the future.

More importantly, we constantly scout for numerous blockchain projects, so there is enough to go around for everyone. We operate an equity-based investment model that adequately secures investor’s interest and returns. With a careful understanding of the relevant regulatory requirements, we create a secure investment platform for the next-generation blockchain start-ups.

MultiChain Platform
BullPerks will be incorporating multiple chains including but not limited to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Tezos, Solana, Polychain and Cardano.

That will allow us to bring our community unique and top quality deals regardless of the chain and help projects on different chains with the fund raising

MultiChain Platform
BullPerks will be incorporating multiple chains including but not limited to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Tezos, Solana, Polychain and Cardano.

That will allow us to bring our community unique and top quality deals regardless of the chain and help projects on different chains with the fund raising
Review BullPerks
ducpham (44)in #bullperks • yesterday

Emerging blockchain start-ups disrupted the investment space in 2017 when they adopted the token approach to raising funds. Instead of these start-ups raising funds through the traditional model from institutional investors, they issued tokens and released white papers to offer investors security in their projects.

However, the security offered was little, and it doesn’t guarantee that the start-up will go through with the project. Today, we have more blockchain companies seeking to build the future, and access to capital remains one of the major stumbling blocks. Bridging the existing gap requires deliberateness and sustainable investment approaches.

While there are numerous blockchain projects seeking funding, numerous investors are seeking early-stage projects to invest in. Bull Perks creates a fairground for bridging the existing gaps in this market. We connect the start-ups to a comprehensive nature of support that helps them develop their minimum viable products and navigate the industry. Our mission remains to make capital more accessible to viable blockchain start-ups.

What is BullPerks?

Bull Perks is a decentralized community VC coupled with multichain capabilities. The platform will give users access to exclusive projects at ground floor prices not available to the average trader. At Bull Perks, we pride ourselves on inclusivity by offering multiple investment tier options to our holders.
Why Invest With Bull Perks?
What sets us apart is the fairness with which we operate. There is equal access to investment opportunities. Unlike some other VCs that have morphed into private clubs, we offer opportunities to everyone with an interest in blockchain projects, not just VC firms and angel investors. This presents a chance for any blockchain enthusiast to contribute towards funding the future.

More importantly, we constantly scout for numerous blockchain projects, so there is enough to go around for everyone. We operate an equity-based investment model that adequately secures investor’s interest and returns. With a careful understanding of the relevant regulatory requirements, we create a secure investment platform for the next-generation blockchain start-ups.


MultiChain Platform
BullPerks will be incorporating multiple chains including but not limited to Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Tezos, Solana, Polychain and Cardano.

That will allow us to bring our community unique and top quality deals regardless of the chain and help projects on different chains with the fund raising.


Bull Perks remains committed to sustainably providing a fair platform for both investors and creators to make the most of their resources. While investors can put their money into the most viable projects, creators will get the support they need to scale their projects seamlessly.

To ensure that we continue to provide the best services, we have a seasoned team of advisors with quality consulting expertise. Our advisors come from a group of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the industry. They also share our passion for creating a fair path for next generation creators.

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Introducing KapeSwap
Cryptocurrencies provide investors with an easy, innovative and profitable way to invest and earn money online. Also, it is important to note that digital currencies (cryptocurrency) such as bitcoin provide the world with a trusted gateway to personal wealth that cannot be restricted. not confiscated.

#kapeswap #kcc #cryptocurrency

To make crypto mainstream, a single platform like the one where crypto enthusiasts (users, traders, and investors) can easily review. An overview of their trading signals as well as crypto news updates not only helps them make informed decisions, but also puts an end to the stress of maintaining multiple accounts on multiple platforms

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are constantly expanding and the adoption of the technologies is becoming widespread. The available features provided by them enable seamless and efficient delivery of the processes and activities of all businesses and organizations that integrate them. This has led innovators and entrepreneurs to develop platforms and companies that provide these blockchain services and applications. Currently, there are many blockchain platforms designed with technology in mind that help businesses and companies meet industry standards and operate optimally. These platforms enable the realignment and remodeling of the businesses and brands they support and help grow their infrastructure. More than that, they extend the decentralized system of blockchain technology to businesses. NetVRk project, is a new project applying technology,

The platform is ready to provide a reliable and efficient system for its investors and customers, therefore, they focus on finding the right solution available for implementing blockchain technology on the blockchain. their network. The development team performed a critical analysis and assessment of the various business opportunities and options available to their potential clients and investors. Some of the factors they consider before choosing a blockchain platform including scalability, security, and performance levels. Most often blockchain companies decide which network they want to apply to their business activities, which will enable the realization of the set goals and objectives, in order to achieve their vision.

Yield farmimg is the demonstration of stamping or advancing crypto assets to create uncommon yields or grants as extra computerized cash. This creative yet dangerous and erratic utilization of decentralized finance(DeFi) has take off in pervasiveness actually because of extra progressions like liquidity mining. Yield farming is at present the best advancement driver of the still-early DeFi region.
To lay it out simply, yield farming shows help liquidity providers (LP) to stake or get their crypto assets in a canny agreement based liquidity pool. These inspirations can be a degree of trade charges, premium from banks or an organization token. These benefits are imparted as a yearly rate yield (APY). As more monetary patrons add resources for the associated liquidity pool, the value of the gave returns decrease suitably.
About KapeSwap
KapeSwap is the First modified liquidity getting yield property and AMM decentralized exchange running on KuCoin Community Chain with piles of astounding and imaginative components that let you get and win.
Crucial Features

Automatic Liquidity
Each move of KAPE should pay a 5% trade charge. The 4% trade charge gets added to the liquidity pool through the arrangement subsequently to raise the worth floor continually. Besides, the liquidity will be locked and far off. With time this auto liquidity component will be used to make liquidity for other critical matches too, not just for KAPE. For the present the understanding is set to deliver modified liquidity for simply the KAPE-KCS Liquidity Pool.
Automated Burning
As we have referred to over, each move of KAPE should pay a 5% trade charge. The 4% trade evaluation will be relegated to Automatic liquidity obtainment. Likewise, the rest 1% trade obligation will be scorched immediately. The whole cycle is customized.
Anti Whale
Move more than 0.5% of the total stock will be excused. As the total stock creates, this extent will be changed as per match the streaming stock.
Low charges
Why pay more? KapeSwap runs on KuCoin Community Chain, a blockchain with much lower trade costs than Ethereum, Bitcoin or even BSC. Our Smart Contracts are throughout improved to ensure that trading costs are lower than other decentralized exchanges too, so that is a twofold accomplishment for you!
Trade directly from your wallet application. Unlike concentrated exchanges like KuCoin or Binance, KapeSwap doesn’t hold your resources when you trade: you have 100% obligation regarding own crypto.
Secure KAPE and various tokens for nothing with extremely excessive advance expenses.
Secure tokens with xKAPE Pools
Stake KAPE, secure free tokens. It’s really that basic. KAPE holders will really need to obtain free tokens consistently from huge exercises. New pursuits will join the party every day, so you can secure more, for extensively more.
Earn KAPE with Yield Farms
Stake LP tokens, get KAPE. You take on fairly more receptiveness to publicize instabilities than with the xKAPE Pools, yet can acquire higher APR to offset the risk.
Earn Trading Fees
No property? Try not to stress over it. Whether or not your trading pair isn’t maintained on the Farms page, you can regardless secure trading costs when you stake your tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs).
KapeSwap makes getting cash fun.
Wanna secure some more KAPE? Play the KapeSwap Lottery. Join as various consistently players for your chance to win huge!
NFT Collectibles
Win collectible NFTs for participating in trading challenges, adding still up in the air pools and more playing around.
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Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2021

Euler Tools a single platform for discovery


The blockchain processing keeps going on in the backend and we created a lot of queries to be included in the frontend. Like get the token balance of a wallet or how many whales a token has. Very interesting to find out how the calculations works inside of bsc for bep20 transfers.

The frontend is also catching up and we are working in some of the critical parts of the explorer: wallets, transactions and tokens.

By having all this data processed and stored into a humongous warehouse we will complete the Datalake part which is composed by an ElasticSearch cluster, a data storage, and a database.

We are about to start working on the platform development now, that includes creating all API’s to retrieve the blockchain content. Kind of what BSCSCAN Does







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A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a leaderless entity. Decisions are made and governed by the communities organized around them. dAO is an internet native organization which is owned and managed collectively by its members. they have a built-in treasury that can only be accessed with the consent of their members.

Dvest Labs is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) operated by the community. all decisions are handled by voice, and all operations, and decision making are 100% transparent, accessible to the public blockchain, and fully decentralized.

Dvest Labs DAO holds positions (up to 49%) in DAO from its creations, joint ventures and subsidiary projects in the dVest Ecosystem

Operated by the community and its developers. all decisions are handled by a public voice, and all operations, decision making are 100% transparent, blockchain verifiable and fully decentralized.

The dVest Ecosystem consists of the following dVest Labs projects:

Is an Automated Market Maker (AMM)-based Decentralized Exchange (DEX). dDEXX features easy and fast exchange functionality, profitable liquidity pools, and high APR yield fields, where users can earn dDEXX tokens, fees fromexchange transactions, and (CEX dVest) is dVest's centralized cryptocurrency exchange (CEX). dVest CEX users can trade all popular cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, DVEST, CPI, LTC, UNI, DOGE, ADA, XRP, DOT, BCH, LINK, XLM, TRX, XMR, XTZ, and many more.

Crypto Price Index a token ecosystem first, the CPIx tokens are novel in their approach to informing token holders there is a diversified range of assets across the cryptocurrency market. The CPI flagship token (CPI) is the governance token, which is used to representinterest in the health of the CPIx token ecosystem.cPIx tokens are backed by component assets, stored via escrow smart contracts, and each CPix token holds an underlying asset that can be exchanged at any time without the involvement of a third party.

Is a non-custodial decentralized financial liquidity protocol for borrowing and lending token assets and earning interest on deposits.

Is a decentralized insurance protocol. dSurance enables near-instant liquidity for insurance buyers and risk underwriters, ensures constant coverage, and guarantees transparency, with tokenizing coverage, to allow for flexibility.

Is a governance token. The dDAO holder chooses the direction of the organization and explains that funds can only be spent by majority vote. dDAO holders share the profits generated by dDAO ownership and investment.

Is the governance token for the dVest Labs Venture Fund.All proceeds from purchasing dLABS tokens go directly to the dVest Labs venture fund, where dLABS holders choose which ventures to approve, and the funds can only be used by majority vote. all funds, distribution, investment, assets, ownership and decision making 100% decentralized, public, and verifiable by blockchain.dLABS holders share the profits generated by dLABS investments.

DDEXX tokens are reward tokens created to be paid to users who have provided liquidity and used the pool in dDEXX.

Is a governance token, which is useful for representing the health of the CPIX token ecosystem.

Is backed by component assets, which are stored via an escrow smart contract. In order to print CPix tokens, component assets must be deposited into the balancing pool. To redeem tokens, users can re-deposit the CPIx Token then it will balance itself.

Is the governance token for dVest CEX and related projects.

This policy describes how dVest collects, uses, shares and protects user information obtained through the dVest website. the terms “us”, “us”, and “our” refer to dVest and its sales. when we request certain personal information from users, it is because we are required by law to collect this information or it is relevant for a particular purpose. any unnecessary information that you provide to us is done voluntarily. you decide whether to provide us with this unnecessary information; You may not be able to access or utilize all of our Services if you choose not to do so.

By using the Site, you consent to the data practices described in this Privacy Policy. occasionally, dVest may revise this Security Policy to Reflect Changes in the laws or our personal data collection and use practices. if material changes are made to this Privacy Policy, those changes will be announced by posting on the site. we will seek your consent before using your information for any purpose not covered by this Privacy Policy.

The latest privacy policy has incorporated elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as we act in accordance with its privacy rules in the European Economic Area (EEA).

For more information about dVEST DAO, click the link below






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Rabu, 11 Agustus 2021

Omnia project overview

With Omnia DeFi, you can tokenize to gain liquidity or buy any asset worldwide.

Slow and expensive centralized asset value exchanges are a thing of the past. Today, you can sell or trade with anyone in the world for a small amount - be it a room in your beloved house or a valuable plot of your paintings - without having to pay a fee. give up physical ownership as the principal owner. At the same time, you can buy land and buildings globally in developing economies, pouring start-up capital where local economic development needs it most.


A cryptocurrency network consists of a global community of stakeholders, including validators who secure the network while adding transactions to the blockchain, traders speculating on assets purely on This market-driven and builders work to bring people into this new financial model.

At Cointelegraph, we are documenting the ongoing story of cryptocurrency and the rise of a borderless, permissionless financial system. How will industry stakeholders work to make crypto a mainstay of people's lives? How will crypto investments change the paradigm of the current financial system? And will the incumbent and legacy systems accept or resist this change?

Stay tuned: Cryptocurrencies will play a big role in the future.

Blockchain has been powering economies ranging from finance, art, banking and even sports. VR industry, a huge industry yet to be explored by disruptive blockchain technology. is a decentralized system consisting of a blockchain and consisting of several smart contracts within the border of the blockchain and its own digital currency, And the platform is a system item made by a group of the most notable, skilled and experienced computing organizations and associations located all over the world. These are distributed asset platforms meant to allow buyers and sellers to execute assets simply without requiring domain experts, allowing for cost reductions.

 #omnia #cryptocurrency #crypto

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